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School Otherwise 2025 is a program dedicated to extracurricular and extracurricular activities. For a week, normal classes are replaced by special activities, which parents, students and teachers can decide together. The activities are organized from Monday to Friday and the number of hours spent must be equal to the number of hours normally spent in classrooms.

Cyber ​​Shield is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a safer digital space for young people.
We care about your online safety and provide you with all the tools you need to safely navigate the digital world.

We have prepared some activities dedicated to the School Otherwise 2025 . These activities are suitable for both middle and high school students, as well as parents and teachers, providing digital education for all, or as we call it, advanced notions of cyber security hygiene .

🔥 Cyber ​​Security Workshops and Educational Initiatives

We believe in an active and hands-on approach to cyber security education. Through interactive workshops and educational initiatives, we provide the tools and knowledge needed to safely navigate the digital world. These workshops are designed to be accessible and engaging, regardless of the level of prior knowledge of the participants.

We organize creative campaigns to raise awareness of cyber threats, online safety and the importance of responsible digital behavior among young people to protect themselves and contribute to a healthy digital community.

✨ Testimonials

👏 We are committed to keeping costs affordable, given that as a non-profit organization, we redirect all funds raised through Cyber ​​Shield back into the community. This is achieved by supporting our developed projects and assisting young enthusiasts to pursue their passions in a responsible manner.

This year, we will fully reallocate our funds to support the growth of the Cyber ​​Skill.ro .

The rates for participating in the courses organized in our rooms are 100 lei per person , and for groups of over 100 people (the equivalent of approximately 4 classes), we apply a 20% discount .

In order to ensure an optimal balance between the quality offered and the minimization of the impact on the daily educational process, we recommend that each course takes place with a maximum number of 25-30 participants simultaneously.

Course duration: 2 hours

Format: in the classroom

Immediate impact

Diploma of participation

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