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Cyber ​​security and digital education workshops at the "Mihai Viteazul" National College in Slobozia

CyberShield - online courses, cyber security, online safety, cybersecurity, cyber security, CyberSkill, iosub, young people, teachers, parents

Today, I had the pleasure of being with the students of the "Mihai Viteazul" National College in Slobozia, where we organized a series of workshops dedicated to cyber security and digital education. The event was designed to respond to the growing need to inform young people about the challenges and risks of the digital world.

During the sessions, students had the opportunity to explore important topics such as protecting personal data, creating strong passwords, recognizing phishing attempts and managing fingerprints. The workshops were interactive, based on case studies and concrete examples, so as to provide the participants with knowledge applicable in everyday life.

Discussions emphasized the importance of responsible technology use, and students were encouraged to voice their questions and share their online experiences. The enthusiastic responses and increased interest of the participants demonstrated how relevant the topic is for the younger generation.

The event enjoyed the support of teachers, who understood the importance of integrating digital education into school activities. These initiatives contribute not only to the training of responsible users, but also to the development of essential skills for the future.

We are excited to be part of this effort and support students in navigating the digital world safely. Such meetings are important steps in building a safer and more informed digital community.