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Course on cyber security and digital education
at "Ion Ghica" Theoretical High School in Răcari

Course on cyber security and digital education at "Ion Ghica" Theoretical High School in Răcari

The Cyber ​​Security Education Association organized a series of interactive courses at the "Ion Ghica" Theoretical High School in Răcari, Dâmbovița county. The high school, known for its active involvement in educational projects adapted to contemporary requirements, has thus joined an essential effort to increase awareness of online security.

A collaboration based on common values

The "Ion Ghica" high school in Răcari promotes a modern educational model, which emphasizes the development of skills needed in the digital age. With a clear commitment to the education of young people, the high school frequently conducts activities that help students better understand current challenges. These also include the ever-present risks associated with the use of technology and the Internet.

Today's initiative was a special one, thanks to the collaboration with a special guest, Mihai Ionuț Păunescu , known as "Virus". Specialist in cyber security, Mihai offered a practical perspective on online threats, as well as how they can be prevented and managed.

Essential topics for students and teachers

The courses supported by the Cyber ​​Security Education Association included topics relevant to young people, such as:

  • Recognizing and avoiding cyber attacks;
  • Safe internet browsing practices;
  • The role of personal data protection.

Students were encouraged to participate actively by asking questions and sharing personal experiences. The dialogue highlighted the need to approach cyber security not just as an individual responsibility, but as an important component of modern education.

The students present emphasized, for their part, the importance of this type of activity, wanting " Education in cyber security to become an integral part of the educational process ".

A special guest with a special experience

The presence of Mihai Ionuț Păunescu ("Virus") was a key moment of the event. Recognized for his extensive experience in cyber security, he provided participants with concrete examples of the dangers in the digital environment, while also explaining applicable technical solutions for protection.

" Technology is changing by the day, and cyber attacks are becoming more sophisticated. We need to be informed and prepared to protect our data and identity online. Education gives us the necessary tools to do this safely ", Mihai said during the session.

The Cyber ​​Security Education Association continues its mission to bring cyber education closer to communities across the country. The collaboration with "Ion Ghica" Theoretical High School represents an important step in this direction and we thank the high school management, teaching staff and students for their involvement and openness. We will continue to promote online safety and support the development of generations much better prepared for digital challenges. 🚀

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